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The Charmcaster Page 10

  “They have tried to breach our walls but have found out that we are a hard target,” Rell replied.

  “I have spoken to the Balenians,” Everest said. “They claim they are only attacking because you have let in outsiders and gave them refuge. The outsiders they want have valuables and women with them.”

  “I did take in outsiders,” Rell replied. “I would not leave anyone to be misused.”

  “We had a deal with the Balenians,” Sandia said. Rell looked at the older man shocked, this was the first time he had ever heard Sandia speak.

  “The deal was that they would give us autonomy,” Rell said. “They never planned on keeping that deal or they would have never attacked.”

  “I want you to expel the outsiders from Rellik’s Rest” Rainier said. “We do not owe them any loyalty.”

  “If I do that than they would be misused,” Rell said. “And the Balenians would attack us anyway.”

  “This council is not asking you Rellik,” Everest said. “It has already been decided.”

  “Then I will do it and I will leave with them,” Rell said.

  “And go where?” Rainer said surprised.

  “If he wants to go then let him,” Sandia said. “He is an outsider anyway.”

  “You are an idiot,” Everest said. “I know you do not like him but Rellik is the reason we are where we are.”

  “He is one young man,” Sandia retorted.

  “He is a young man that brought us together,” Everest said. “Before him there was no council and also no way to fight off the outsiders.”

  “But we have a way and we have a system in place now” Sandia said. “We can take care of ourselves. It is time for us to expel outsiders.”

  “As long as you are willing to take the blame and take the lead,” Everest said.

  “What blame?” Sandia said.

  “Rellik has never led us astray,” Everest said. “He is a member of my tribe for all time. If we expel the outsiders and Rellik leaves then you will take up ownership of Rellik’s Rest and your people will see to its defense. Likewise if we end up facing off with Balen you will lead the way. If we are beaten then you will be judged. I can tell you already that my vote will be for death.”

  “As will mine” Rainier said. “This council already decided to expel the outsiders. What no one took into account was that Rellik would leave us. Most of our staves there are being refilled by him.”

  “It is easier for him because we all have the expensive stones his kind wants!” Sandia said. “One young man is not worth the ire of a kingdom. If Balen wins this war then we will have to fight them off. We don’t need him. The staves that are being made in Summit are easier to use than the ones he has the outsiders make.”

  “You mean they are easier to fill,” Rell said. “I did not know your reason for not talking had to do with your dislike of me. Now that I do, I have lost respect for you as a man of the mountain. Show some dignity. When I leave, go down to Rellik’s Rest and lead them, Sandia. You will need to bring more staves with you. The ones that were made by me and people working for me are leaving with me.”

  “Those belong to the mountain!” Sandia yelled.

  “Those belong to me,” Rell replied. “How many days do I have until I am to be expelled? I can leave immediately with my sister and the others or I can wait until all of your people are put in place. In the interest of what is best for the mountain I think you need at least three hundred warriors with you and you might need three or four magic users.”

  “Why so many?” Rainier asked.

  “Because there is a mixture of tribes down there” Everest said. “We have not always gotten along. Rellik is the reason for this peace since he has proven to be competent in peacetime and has led us to victory after victory in war. Many will hear of this meeting and refuse to work with Sandia of Tribe Lazuli. They would instead leave to protect their own homes and their own interests. It is one thing to follow someone that the tribes have no bad blood with. It is another thing to follow a tribe that they have fought with for generations.”

  “Then they should be expelled as well,” Sandia said.

  “No,” Denali said. “I have listened to you and I say your entire tribe will defend Rellik's Rest. The mountain is not going to go to ruin because of you. None here like your plan but we are willing to go along with it because you are a leader of your tribe and you will be the teeth of this fight.”

  “The Balen will honor their bargain once he is gone,” Sandia said.

  “Once Rellik leaves with the outsiders and his staves the Balen army will attack,” Denali said. “I have only been in one battle where the outsiders were crushed and it was because of Rellik. Balen will see a rich town with no protection. They will attack. You and your entire tribe being put to the sword will be payment enough for your gamble. My tribe will block off your retreat and show no mercy if the worst happens. It is fight or die for you and yours. If you are right then you raise your stature. If you are wrong then your tribe will be one less tribe to deal with. Let's put this to a vote.”

  “I agree with Denali,” Foraker said.

  “I do as well,” said Everest.

  “I agree with Foraker,” Rainier said. “If Sandia's gamble brings ruin then he should bear the brunt of it.”

  “I will leave in one week's time" Rell said. “I also request if Sandia changes his mind that he be removed from this council and no else from his tribe be allowed to join. There are many other smaller tribes that care for the overall mountain and would not let jealousy get in the way of their decisions.”

  “I agree,” Denali said.

  “You don't have the right to remove me from this council,” Sandia barked.

  “You want to enact a plan to make the mountain weaker,” Rell said. “You want the outsiders gone from Rellik's Rest and me along with them. You have no plan to defend it, you just assumed everyone would just work without me. You though will either pay for your words with your life and have punishment delivered by the Balen Army which you love so much, or you will no longer have a voice on the great council. I wonder what your tribe will think of you being removed? I can't imagine they will be happy that you are bringing them to ruin. Maybe you will be able to fight off the Balenians and back up your words and become a great hero.”

  “I am not scared,” Sandia said. “My tribe is not scared. You just want to turn the mountain into places your outsiders would like.”

  Rell placed a fist over his chest then walked out of the great hall. He could hear them arguing and shook his head. Denali had told him there were people who did not like him but Rell never dreamed it was a council member. Rell thought they saw the bigger picture and focused on growing the mountain. The tribes were not trusting of the outsiders and had good reasons not to do so. Rell thought trusting the Balenians was stupid. They had attacked opportunistically before and would do so again. If Rell was in charge he would say Balen had broken its contract and attacked them. He would keep up that attack until gold and other valuables were given including land. But it was not his mountain, Rell was not from the mountain. Rell couldn’t say he was from the kingdom either. He was raised there but never had any fun. The only place that felt a little like home should feel, was tribe Nevis that Denali was the leader of. But Rell would not have all the people depending on him for protection go there. They were likely to tell whatever they saw and get into a lot of trouble. Rell thought about further away from the mountain. They could make their own shelter and see to their own safety. They could eventually bully their way to meet up with the lands still in King Wayne’s control. From there they would be on their own and Rell could make his own way.

  “Rellik,” Denali said as Rell was making his way out of Summit.

  “I don’t blame you for anything that happened in there,” Rell said.

  “Sandia is a fool,” Denali said. “I do not like the outsiders but I will let them stay in my tribe’s lands if you wish it so.”

  “I wou
ld not do that to you,” Rell said. “I am not sure where I am going. Every month or so I may be back just so you know that I live.”

  “Everest stands with me,” Denali said. “He does not think losing you is worth it even if the outsiders do not attack.”

  “It is what it is,” Rell said. “If Sandia truly believed the Balen would not attack, then I could understand his position. He just wants me out because he is jealous. People like him hurt the people they want to protect because of ego.”

  “Do you think you can make it through the Balen army? Denali asked.

  “I think I will be able to smash through their lines and that the Balen would sooner leave us alone instead of following,” Rell said. “Sandia is going to have to hold on after that though. I think the rest of the Balenians will either come after us or go after him. The boldest way to stop them would be to give it all in your first shot. Maybe Balen will think they are stronger than they are and retreat to find easier prey. I can tell you when they go to engage me I am going to wheel around whoever I have and we are going straight through the middle to their leaders.”

  “You have a plan already?” Denali asked.

  “I am always planning” Rell said. “My father always thought my enemy would be Balen. At the time he thought I would be leading this land but the training still matters. My life has been spent learning about Balen, they will flee once they see me coming for their leaders. Don't worry about me, I have been drilling most of the outsiders since they came using dummy staves. Some of them fought for me last year when the Balenians first invaded. I only hope that you are all ready.”

  “You think Sandia will lose?” Denali said.

  “I know he will,” Rell replied. “I expect him to make blunder after blunder. He doesn't know how to fight with the new staves. He is just going to tell them to fight blindly. I don’t even think he will keep his men armed with other weapons. The biggest reason I think is that no charmcaster will leave to be with him. He has one charmcaster in tribe Lazuli and that will be it. The man isn't that talented and needs ruby staves to work. The rest of the charmcasters will help but will want to do so from here in relative safety. That means he is going to need teams of runners going up and down the mountain to get charmed staves and return those whose charms have been expended.”

  “I will let him know this and I pray that you are wrong,” Denali said.

  Rell went back to Rellik’s Rest and informed all of the outsiders of the will of the council. Some screamed in anger while others screamed in anguish but Rell let them know he would not abandon them. Rell had his little army ready to go. Sandia wanted him gone a lot sooner but knew if Rell did then Rellik's Rest would be undefended. Men from tribe Lazuli were there and they were angry they alone had to defend the town but rallied around Sandia and had began calling the town Lazuli. Rell thought they had enough morale for the job and hoped they were successful. The people traveling with Rell were scared but they knew they had to fight or die. Rell had made it known anyone refusing to fight would be left behind. Rell would kill them himself they just tried to hide and let others do the fighting. Children as young as eight were holding staves when Rell marched out of Rellik's Rest. Sandia had sent the Balen messengers letting them know the outsiders along with their leader was being expelled from the town. Rell knew the Balenians were ready to attack and that would be their downfall.

  Loud horns were sounded as Rell left. Sandia wanted to make things hard for Rell. Rell had anticipated this as he and almost two hundred people walked out and went left. Almost immediately the Balen army ran towards them, Rell wanted them completely committed. Just as the first of the enemy were paces away Rell sounded his own horn and flashes became as bright as the morning sun. Loud cracks of thunder could be heard as lightning ripped into the enemy. They were trapped and couldn't flee as fire came next followed by more lightning. The Balen army started retreating as Rell and a few of his people went right after them. Rell expended every spell he had in the five staves he was carrying, many of the enemy died without ever seeing who killed them. Rell could see that getting to the enemy leaders would be impossible, Rell slowly turned his army around and was happy the Balen army was content to let him leave. Rell still had some charmed staves in his little army and rotated them to the front, the rear and to the flanks.


  King Wayne

  “Kimberly,” Wayne said as he looked at the woman.

  “Yes Your Majesty,” Kimberly said.

  “You know John was one of my very best nobles if not the best,” Wayne said. “None of my other nobles constantly had the stress and things he had to deal with. Now that this war is in full swing, I can see how incompetent a lot of them are.”

  “I know Your Majesty,” Kimberly said in a low voice.

  “Both of your sons have proved horrible at the job,” Wayne said. “They are lazy and were unprepared for the war despite being warned about the invasion.”

  “They thought the staves would hold back the enemy” Kimberly said.

  “That is ridiculous!” Wayne said raising his voice. “There has only been a few battles that were entirely won by men with those staves. They needed fighters!”

  “Wayne the rest of your nobles have proved they are not up for the challenge either” Crystal said calming her husband.

  “That is the only thing saving them” King Wayne said. “The rest of my nobles are angry I have pressed them and their men into battle. They are soft from easy living since John had normally did most of the fighting while they sat on their asses and looked down on everyone. Now that they have to fight they have lost every battle they have taken part in and had a horrific number of casualties inflicted on them. If it wasn’t for the Royal Army this kingdom would be ash right now. Our mages for all of their bravado have been scared to face the enemy. They only cast a few spells then flee since they do not want to be caught in the middle of battle with no magic. Right now I am struggling to find a leader that knows how to use mages in battle. It will take some trial and error but I think it can be done. The problem I am having now is how to get the Glades, The Cliffs and Victory back under our control. The enemy has been pressing us but is now at a stalemate, we have a lot of people we can still throw at them.”

  “Why are you telling me this Your Majesty,” Kimberly asked.

  “Kimberly we have no choice” Crystal said. “We are going to have to redraw some borders in both of your sons’ lands and Rawlin Victory’s.”

  “Why Your Majesty?” Kimberly said worried. “They are good nobles.”

  “Kimberly your boys are poorly suited and inept when it comes to war making,” Wayne said. “John’s oldest had to save you all in the first big battle and now that he is not here your boys crumbled.”

  “Rell is a traitor!” Kimberly said. “The mountain clans are not helping and he is not making them.”

  “That is not his job,” Wayne said. “That is the job of Baron Cliffs.”

  “Your boys will still keep their titles,” Crystal said. “But you have to understand we need fighting people to hold our borders.”

  “I know,” Kimberly admitted.

  “Your Majesty!” Sammut said as he burst into the room.

  “What is it Sammut,” Wayne said as he jumped out of his chair.

  “The Balenians have finally been dealt a defeat” Sammut said out of breath. “It was a small defeat but they were still pushed back.”

  “Are they out of the Cliffs?” Kimberly asked excited.

  “Well are they?” Wayne screamed.

  “No” Sammut said. “One part of their army went to attack the town the mountain tribes built.”

  “Ashlyn is there!” Kimberly said worried.

  “John’s charmcaster is there,” Wayne said. “Did he fight them off?”

  “The Balenians first tried to take the town and took a decent amount of casualties” Samuel said. “The mountain tribes took in our citizens that were fleeing from the Balen Army.”

  “The mountain tribes have a deal with Balen,” Crystal said. “Why would they take in our citizens?”

  “John’s charmcaster took them in,” Wayne said. “And probably fought off the Balen.”

  “The mountain people were angry Rell Duncan took in your citizens Your Majesty and ordered them expelled from the town” Samuel said. “Duncan gave an ultimatum that if they went then he would go as well. One of the mountain tribes did not like Duncan from their first meeting and saw him as an outsider and wanted him gone as well.”

  “The mountain tribes are idiots,” Wayne said. “They were pathetic before John’s charmcaster got there and they are pathetic now. They should have just kept John’s charmcaster where he was.”

  “We did the same thing” Kimberly said before she could stop herself.

  “Yes we did” King Wayne said. “Does the charmcaster still live Sammut?”

  “He led a bunch of peasants, old people and children to the lands we still control” Sammut said. “The Balen tried going after him. The tribe that wanted him gone let our enemy know that Rell only had a bunch of old people to fight with. The Balenians charged and were almost destroyed. Six hundred or so of their dead now litter the ground from the first fight. It was easier in the second fight since the army in front of them thought it would be easier to let them pass instead of fighting. The Voxians only wanted the land and they probably had messengers warn them of the group Duncan was leading. Lady Ashlyn Duncan is on her way here right now, escorted by her uncle Robert Martin and his family who were lucky enough to flee to the mountain people then keep a low profile.”

  “Thank the gods,” Kimberly said as she let out a breath.

  “Is the charmcaster on his way here?” Crystal asked.

  “No” Sammut said. “He saw your citizens safe Your Majesty then fled back towards the mountains.”

  “I need him stopped,” Wayne said. “I don’t care how many people you have to send to do so but stop him. I will have a missive prepared to hand over in about an hour, send me my royal scribe and get your men together.”