The Mage of Mages 2 Page 13
“It’s not” Sawyer replied.
“You seem awfully down” Galle said. “Still recovering from your accident? I heard you had a nightmare and tried to kill your mage guard, thinking they were the Salians.”
“Something like that” Sawyer replied as he thought about the lie that was used to cover things up.
“You are making this conversation very one sided” Galle said. “I am trying to hide from all the young women that have been thrust at me by talking to you in this corner. Since it is seen as a faux paus for girls to approach me I think I am safe until a father or brother or something hunts me down. I am hoping your moniker as the mad mage will scare most of them off.”
“Mad mage?” Sawyer asked.
“Well you did have a bad dream and tried to kill your mage guard because of it” Galle replied. “You must have plenty demons to work through, they fact that your protectors are now all a bunch of whores and criminals means the Queen thinks you will snap again and need people that are expendable.”
“Mad Mage it is then” Sawyer replied.
“Are you two going to hold up the wall all night?” a woman of about twenty asked.
“Amaya this is the Mad Mage, Mad Mage this is Amaya” Galle said. “Amaya is my older cousin, an only child from my very rich uncle. Whoever marries her stands to gain a very sizable dowry and an inheritance further down the road. What that means is that every second, third or fourth son and all the poor nobles have been cornering her almost as much as Princess Phoebe or Princess Penelope.”
“Tell my life story why don’t you” Amaya replied. “And don’t let the nightmares get you down, we all have demons that haunt us. Some just haunt even more.”
“I’ll keep that in mind” Sawyer replied.
“Our friend here isn’t much of a talker” Galle said. “But he not going to rid of me, not with all of them out there.”
“You can try for one of the princesses if you like” Amaya said. “Although I think you may have an easier time with the heir than you will her sister. Mage Samson is an absolute stunner and the blue robe he has on is really bringing out his eyes.”
“I wouldn’t dare” Galle said. “They are out of my league and I don’t think we will be a good match. I am probably the only man of title here that doesn’t want to toss my hat into the ring.”
“Well you have to toss your hat into one ring and soon” Amaya replied. “I am tired of women who I know can't stand me trying to make small talk so I can set them up with you. I have fought off at least seven of them, I think you received a lot more attention than any of the mages.”
“Why don’t you try for one of the mages?” Galle laughed.
“Do I look that desperate?” Amaya said. “You see them out there, an old man, two fat boys who walk around like they are the best looking thing in the room and one so pretty he has probably secretly deflowered many of the women here already. Besides, mage hunting is for daughters whose parents just want mage blood in the family or those who don’t have any money. I will have money regardless so I don’t have to pretend those men out there are the most beautiful in the room or laugh at any of their jokes.”
“Well I have been fighting off men who want to know you too” Galle said. “And they are persistent. We probably should separate now, us being together allows for any man or woman to come this way and start up conversations.”
“You are not getting off that easily” Amaya said. “Men will come up and talk me at any time anyway, now you will join me in my misery, at least here people will think I am talking to the Mad Mage and be too scared to approach me. The bald head adds to his scary demeanor.”
“Well don’t look now but here comes Duke Treadwell” Galle replied. “His wife died last year, maybe he is looking for a younger woman.”
“Baron Galle” said an old man that looked to be in his mid sixties. Sawyer remembered hearing that Duke Treadwell led the charge to kill mages and was most likely one of those who helped kill his father. “Why is such a handsome young man hiding over here in the corner when all of those young women are out there waiting to be swept off of their feet. Princess Penelope is still unspoken for, unless you are letting that man over there cower you.”
“Neither of the princesses are my type Your Grace” Galle replied. “Besides I prefer much easier prey, marrying anyone of them is likely to put me in the sights of many people seeking to give me unwanted advice. I am happy with Barony and have a decent enough relationship with the Queen, probably because she knows I have no desire to marry any of her girls. Currently I admit I am avoiding her, she is trying to stick me with one of her mages and I doubt they are still pure.”
“Is that really such a big issue?” Amaya asked. “You are not pure yourself, why does she have to be?”
“You are pure though” Galle said.
“That is not proper to talk about in His Grace’s company” Amaya said and blushed. “And I am pure because my father would flay the skin off of any man who dared if he didn’t have a fortune as great as his is and if they did they I am sure a marriage would be happening less than a week after he found out.”
“I think it is unseemly for a young woman to be opening her legs for anyone” Duke Treadwell said. “If she is not married then she might as well work in the brothels with the rest of whores. Men are a different matter entirely, it does a boy good to know how to please a woman so his wife will be well taken care of when they marry.”
“I agree” Galle said. “But I am still going nowhere near the royals, my self preservation is too great. Besides I know a couple of your grandsons are vying for their hands, what chance do I have with that kind of competition? I am the least powerful baron here and one of your descendants will be Duke one day.”
“I think you sell yourself short cousin” Amaya began. “I think competition is healthy for men if they really want a prize. No woman wants a man that really didn’t have to work for her hand unless she is just smitten at first sight, like Princess Penelope is with that dashing mage.”
“I don’t see what the issue is with the mages” Duke Treadwell said. “They should be gathering slaves instead of just sitting around drinking. Maybe it is time for another Purge.”
“I would like to see your old ass try it” Sawyer said as he stood up. “The only Purge you will find is your head from your shoudlers.”
“Are you threatening me?” the Duke said loudly as he backed up.
Sawyer saw some of the guards looking his way as he stepped into the Duke’s face.
“You are the one who threatens” Sawyer said. “I promise” Sawyer replied as his own Mage Guard came running up.
“You listen to me whelp” Duke Treadwell said.
“No you listen to me” Sawyer replied. “Whenever you try your purge put me at the top of your list. You will find me an enemy you wish you didn’t have.”
“I am a duke!” Duke Treadwell screamed. “You will respect me!”
“I see nothing respectable about you” Sawyer said as he noticed Queen Esther walking up.
“What is the meaning of this” the Queen said in weird voice. It was almost like she was pretending to be irritated or upset.
“Your mage is threatening me!” Duke Treadwell replied. “I shall have my guards whip the skin off his back.”
“What happened Sarlon” the Queen asked.
“He called me lazy and said he would start another purge unless he got more slaves” Sarlon replied and turned away from the woman.
“So you threatened him?” the Queen asked.
“I don’t threaten Your Majesty” Sawyer replied as the Queen raised an eyebrow.
“You must forgive him Your Grace” the Queen said. “He was in line to become a Duke in Colten but instead is just very minor player here in Perdomo. We will of course find more slaves, it shouldn’t be too hard.”
“We need to gather women slaves or breed these to the whores” Duke Treadwell said. “We need reproducing stock instead of just former
soldiers. They would be easier to handle.”
“I already told you I won't go down that road” the Queen replied. “The penalty for having a child slave is still death, my husband came up with that rule. Our actual enemies will have to do. Some men are getting ready to age out of Maduro, perhaps you can use some of them for your fields.”
“Age out?” Duke Treadwell said. “How is there an age limit in prison?”
“There is in Maduro” the Queen replied. “Only certain slaves or criminals are accepted.”
“Then what will I do with a bunch of old men?” Duke Treadwell asked.
“They are better than no men” the Queen replied. “But war will be coming soon, you will have your chance to capture your own slaves. There is a lot of money to be made selling them.”
“Capture our own?” Duke Treadwell asked.
“Of course” the Queen replied. “I expect an abundance, more than the mages could capture by themselves. All you have to do is make sure the slaves fall within our guidelines.”
“Does Duke Velarde know about this?” Duke Treadwell asked.
“I will tell him in time but thought you might want the head start to get your men trained and have your own specialized teams” the Queen replied. “I will let you be the one to break the news to him, I know you both like each other’s company.”
“Hardly” Duke Treadwell replied. “We are just united for a common cause. Do you mind if I leave this thing early Your Majesty? I am not feeling well and have business I need to attend to in the morning.”
“Will you be there for breakfast?” the Queen asked.
“I don’t think so, my stomach is bothering me and I think I need to be home” Duke Treadwell replied. “We have a war coming soon and my men are not nearly as ready as the royal army.”
“Well then until next time” the Queen smiled.
“Yeah, next time” the Duke said as he looked at Sawyer then left.
“Do you like your robe?” Queen Esther asked.
“No” Sawyer replied.
“No?” the Queen said a little taken back. “Are you sure? I know you like to carry a sword and it has a slit for you to draw it.”
“I seem to have misplaced my sword” Sawyer replied.
“A pity” the Queen replied. “Baron Galle, I see you and your lovely cousin is over here talking to our newest mage. He has been a little down since learning of his wife’s demise.”
“The nightmare” Amaya said and covered her mouth.
“It is good he has friends like you” the Queen replied. “Friends that will see to his best interest. I know the Duke can be a bit scary and Sarlon can be combative.”
“I think I am in agreement with Sarlon Your Majesty” Baron Galle replied. “I have nothing against the Duke but if he would have talked to me like that I think I would have demanded a duel. My honor wouldn’t let me walk away from a man talking casually about killing me.”
“It seems Sarlon wouldn’t either” the Queen replied. “Why don’t the both of you make your rounds around the room and Amaya why don’t you come sit with my daughters and Duke Velarde’s girls. We will be at war very soon and the young women of Perdomo need a hero to root for since you both have a part to play in the upcoming battles.”
“I am content where I am at” Sawyer replied.
“Nonsense” the Queen said. “Go dance and have fun unless you are trying to save your stamina for a young lady tonight. I know how young men act at these things.”
Sawyer heard Amaya stifle back a laugh as the Queen smiled and walked away. Sawyer knew a threat when he heard it and clinched his fist a little as the Queen walked away holding hands with Amaya.
“I guess my hiding is over with” Galle said. “Sarlon was it? Let's go see how to avoid most of the desperate women here. I almost wish I was a mage, you all can leave bastards all over the place and be cheered for it. If I leave one it is the end of the kingdom.”
“I wouldn’t have any children I am not willing to take care of” Sawyer said.
“Good job” Tabitha said as Sarlon started walking away. “You are forgetting your staff once again. You need to take better care of it, it cost a lot of money to make and the wood is not cheap.”
Sawyer stared at Tabitha then turned back around and started walking away. It had been two weeks since his bone staff was broken and he had been practicing hard with Tabitha every day, alternating between using her magical reserves and his own. He had mastered most of the spells she gave him quickly, Sawyer’s brain allowed him to have an exceptional memory and he could cast most of them by heart. Tabitha had stopped pure magic and started him down water and fire magic, Sawyer had quickly went through each branch and was surprised to learn each branch had golems including pure magic. Sawyer could make golems, he had made them before but normally he used a statue or something and animated it using his life magic, it was one of the few secrets he still kept. The other golems used pure energy and went through magic quickly, the High Mage had made a golem out of pure magical energy and Sawyer knew it took half of her reserves to cast and if she let it stay in existence until she ran out of power then the golem could last a little longer than two minutes. Golems made out of any of the affinities were hard to keep, the longest Sawyer could keep them going was for ten or so seconds. The golems he animated using life magic though Sawyer was sure could last for hours if not days if he kept the tasks small enough. The biggest thing Sawyer discovered though was that some regular humans could cast magic.
Mages could cast magic until their magic reserves ran dry and then use their bodies energy. Energy wasn’t a very good source of magic and ran out quickly which could leave a mage barely able to open his eyes. It was one of the reasons Sawyer insisted in staying in excellent shape. The more endurance a person had, the more energy they had at their disposal. This energy was easy to tap into, Sawyer didn’t think anyone needed to focus on their core or anything, they just needed the right staff and to know the words. Sawyer had come upon a man who was in training to become some kind of sentry and had a regular job of running messages through the town, some places were too narrow for horses to go so everything was handled by foot. Sawyer had tapped into his energy and found that if he used pure magic he could cast mage light three times before he was so sleepy his eyes wouldn’t stay open. The only offensive spell he could cast was mage bolt, it was a weak spell that could take a decent chunk out of a watermelon but it left him at twenty five percent. Mage shield could only be kept for less than seven seconds before he was out of energy but it was something. Sawyer wanted to find the messenger because he believed the man was one of the few that had enough power to cast and remain conscious, but that could wait.
“This thing looks horrible” Tabitha said as she caught up to him. “It has already had to be refinished once and you continue to toss it down or bang it off of objects.”
“It is a tool, nothing more” Sawyer replied. “No one here seems to care about staves anyway when another one can be made.”
“My words” Tabitha replied. “Still a tough transition, the Queen has been asking about you, so has Phoebe.”
“I am sure you know my thoughts on the both of them” Sawyer replied. “I am not going to get in small talk with you, if our lesson is over I am going to what is passing as home.”
“You know you can leave and go see the city if you want” Tabitha said. “You may not have a lot of time to do so now the war has started.”
“I’ll pass” Sawyer replied.
“Did you get the clothes that were made for you?” Tabitha asked. “It was hard to get your measurements since you keep running off the tailors.”
“I might as well be wearing that garbage in Maduro” Sawyer replied. “She can take them back if she wants.”
“You know Lady Velarde has asked about you” Tabitha replied. “She is the fourth daughter of Duke Velarde and thinks you look handsome, I think so too, well now that your hair has started growing but
you keep it hidden under that scarf. Why would you hide those blond curls you have forming?”
“You obviously are not getting the hint” Sawyer replied. “What is it you want, say it so I can be left in peace.”
“I wasn’t responsible for what happened in Maduro or anything after that” Tabitha replied. “You are such an angry young man who seems ready to explode at any moment. Your life is what it is, you can't change it yet you refuse to let anyone in or have any fun. Your mage guard says the only thing you do is either train in magic or train in fighting yet you rather use some stick you have instead of the fine swords you were given. One even matched your old sword in length and was made with steel taken from the best mines in Montes, it is thirty percent lighter than normal high quality steel and twenty percent stronger and can keep an edge far longer. That sword cost over twenty gold and as a man who likes swords I would have thought you would have at least taken it out and played with it since you were going to practice anyway. That robe you have on is the same one you were given weeks ago and you keep it so close to your body that it can't even be exchanged out and laundered properly. I know you have some kind of water spell for it but that can’t last forever.”
“Are you done?” Sawyer asked.
“Yes” Tabitha said annoyed. “Go do whatever it is you were going to do.”
Sawyer walked to the small building that served as his home, it had two rooms inside. The one he was tied down in now served as a storage for everything his Mage Guard needed and the tub was kept in there. His guard all slept in the same room he did and he was sure their small beds couldn’t have been too comfortable. Currently they rotated out, he was longer than they were so his feet would hang off the end of it but he knew they looked forward to sleeping in the bed, sometimes three of them would sleep inside of it and Sawyer didn’t mind permanently sleeping on one of the lower shelves or the floor.