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The Archmage Page 3
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Page 3
“I thought you went into hiding,” the red-haired boy said laughing. “I am amazed you came back out here to fight me commoner.”
“To all of my students,” Jonathan began. “The first rule of a fight is not to underestimate your opponent. Often the first to land wins the fight and it is unlikely that you will recover if you give your opponent a chance to land a big shot.”
“Don’t listen to this commoner,” the red haired boy said. “Now let’s fight and stop talking.”
Jonathan concentrated and filled the air with his mage bolts but something was not right. Normally it took him a second to cast a mage bolt and he could have eight going at one time. Jonathan could only get four going and it was like his magic wouldn’t respond to him the way it normally did. Jonathan cast again before the first volley found its target and his insides were shaking and nervous but knew better than to show it. His opponent seemed surprised that he had projectiles coming towards him and attempted to dodge, it was for naught as three of the four caught him before he dove to the ground and Jonathan then fired off a new batch of mage bolts. These mage bolts were bigger and took twice as long to cast, when the red-haired boy tried shaking off the weak bolts that hit him prior he set himself up to take four full hits by the stronger ones.
Jonathan saw his opponent was now on the ground writhing in pain and part of him really wanted to back up his words and make his opponent pay but decided not to. Jonathan could feel his magic was back in its entirety once his opponent was hit by the first volley of mage bolts. Jonathan quickly surmised that this red-haired boy had a unique spell that he was capable of casting that cancelled out his opponent’s magic. His opponent probably thought it would save him but was mistaken.
“I think this lesson is over,” Jonathan announced loudly. “This initiate got off lightly for the disrespect he showed but I think my point has been proven. I am your dueling instructor for a reason, noble blood means nothing if you are standing in front of a Blood Priest of Raelin or a Dragonknight of Downey. Unless there is anyone else who doubts my qualifications, I think we can go back inside. Senior initiates please see to my opponent and give him the healing he needs.”
Jonathan gripped his staff a little tighter and went to walk back into the Tower. Russell and Farrah blocked his path and Russell stuck his arm out to stop Jonathan from leaving. Jonathan was about to yell at the bigger man but decided to hear out whatever the nobles had to say. The initiates started walking back inside under the orders of Mages Alissa and Lehman and Jonathan waited until the last initiate left.
“What do you two want?” Jonathan asked as his eyes never left Russell. “I am not one of your subjects.”
“I wanted to tell you commoner that I appreciate you did not punish him,” Russell said.
“So what?” Jonathan replied. “I am the Queen’s Champion, decorum is part of my job, even when dealing with those I dislike.”
“Your magic was off,” Farrah said. “Something about it did not seem right. You seemed a step slower and your power seemed off.”
“I noticed this as well,” Russell said.
“So what?” Jonathan replied.
“What happened?” Farrah asked. “If something is wrong with the Queen’s Champion then that is something we all should know.”
“Then put some idiot in front of me and see if they can beat me,” Jonathan snapped as he kept looking at Russell.
“You are animated for no reason commoner,” Russell said. “We are merely trying to appease our curiosity.”
“And I do not like you, so why should I care?” Jonathan asked.
“Jonathan,” Russell said.
“So now you know my name,” Jonathan said.
“What happened?” Russell asked.
“He has a spell that limits magic,” Jonathan said. “I should have noticed how he stuck out his arms like he was casting a spell.”
“You had four spells going,” Farrah said.
“And I can cast eight,” Jonathan replied. “His hold on me broke once I hit him. I do not know how the spell works, I can only guess.”
“You can cast eight spells?” Russell said.
“It is the reason I have never been worried about fighting Monica,” Jonathan said. “You both would be tough to deal with since you can both cast four spells.”
“How do you think it works?” Russell asked. “Do you think he could take Monica?”
“I think he can cast four spells at a time,” Jonathan began. “I do not know how fast he can cast but I think his blocking spell is just as fast as my lightning. My father was almost as fast as I am with his lightning but every other spell he had was on the level of most commoners. I am not sure if it is the same for the red head.”
“If he can block four spells then why do you think Monica could beat him,” Russell asked. “She can only cast one spell at a time.”
“I think the spell saps a lot of his energy away trying to hold it,” Jonathan replied. “When I cast eight spells, neither is as strong as if I cast a single spell. Monica would be pouring all of her power into a single spell and eventually he would have to break his. He would be able to fire off some of his spells but the strain of keeping Monica contained would be too much. He could possibly surprise her and win the first two bouts but I doubt once she figures him out if he would win again.”
“Do you think he could surprise us?” Farrah asked. “We are stronger than you but we cannot cast as many spells.”
“No,” Jonathan replied. “He does not have that much power. You both would cast spells that would quickly overwhelm his power. Red would find him a tough fight but I doubt that initiate has thought about other ways to fight.”
“Like what?” Russell said.
“Like if I would have just rushed him while he was using his magic,” Jonathan replied. “He would have to stop his spell to put his attention on me, it would allow me to use my magic. If he doesn’t then I like my chances against him in a physical fight.”
“All of the Big Four have not been in the same place in months,” Farrah said. “We are all out of the Tower. We do not have any cliques or people we need to impress. Why don’t we all get together and have a meal?”
“I decline,” Jonathan said quickly before thinking better of it. “I accept and so does Monica.”
“You speak for her now?” Russell asked suspiciously.
“I do for this,” Jonathan replied.
Lunch Date
“Why did I let you talk me into this?” Monica snapped.
“Because I know you want to show Russell that he is no one special more than you hate me,” Jonathan replied. “You have been sulking for months and now is the time to end it.”
“Here they come,” Monica said. “What is your plan?”
“To piss both of them off,” Jonathan whispered as Russell and Farrah sat down.
“This is nice,” Farrah said and smiled. “I do not think we have ever shared a meal together as a group before.”
“We have not,” Jonathan replied. “But that is all in the past. How have you both been?”
“You know you cannot have her,” Russell said looking at Jonathan.
“And I do not want her,” Jonathan replied. “I do not think I will have too much trouble finding someone else. This position helps and everyone always has a sister, a cousin or an aunt.”
“There is a woman from the Mountains in this class,” Farrah said. “People say we favor each other but I think she is prettier.”
“Good for her,” Jonathan replied. “I hope she finds herself at the top of her class studying whatever it is she is supposed to be studying.”
“There are many beautiful women here,” Russell said as he looked at Monica.
“Don’t know and don’t care,” Jonathan said. “So how are things back in the Mountains? How is Duke Golad doing?”
“You aren’t going to ask about my mother?” Farrah asked.
“We both know your mothe
r hates me,” Jonathan replied. “She would be happier if I didn’t exist.”
“Duchess Golad does not hate you,” Russell replied. “She just thinks you should know your place. She invited you to her home and attempted to help you raise your standing.”
“Well then I hope she is doing well,” Jonathan said. “Tell your father I said hello. He is one of the lads, I can say he is the most approachable high noble I have ever met.”
“Why is that?” Russell asked.
“Because he is a good drinking buddy and he judges me based on my ability and character,” Jonathan replied. “I am guessing if I was a noble all of my so called problems wouldn’t exist.”
“Yes they would,” Russell replied. “We all have roles to play.”
“Well enough of all of that, how is the Mountains?” Jonathan asked. “I have been here doing nothing but practicing and training.”
“Then you should travel there,” Russell replied. “You and your lady friend are always welcomed.”
“Lady friend?” Farrah asked. “When can I meet the lucky lady?”
“She doesn’t exists,” Monica said. “Russell are we doing this or what?”
“Doing what?” Russell asked.
“I hate Thunder with all of my heart and soul but both of us are petty enough to choose each other because we know it would rankle you,” Monica said. “With me he would gain instant acceptance in mage society and between the both of us we could be Archmage and Tower Mage. Are you ready for the Thunders to become the strongest mage family in existence? You both cannot marry each other so our children will be far stronger than yours will be.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Russell said then looked at Jonathan.
“With Monica I am certain I will make Archmage,” Jonathan said and smiled at Russell. “But enough about that.”
“What do you mean enough about that?” Farrah said irritated. “Are you two together now? How long has this been going on?”
“How is any of this your problem?” Monica snapped. “So what is it going to be Russell? Are you ready to end whatever this is? You wanted that little tart and I beat her silly and scared her away. You have been looking at me like you are ready to end this and I want to end it as well.”
“Perhaps we should talk privately away from here,” Russell said.
“Looks like you are losing your woman,” Farrah said. “Is she the reason why you have been acting this way?”
“She never was mine,” Jonathan said as Monica and Russell got up from the table. “I just love sticking it to your brother. All of this was impromptu, as if me and Monica would ever be together. She hates me and the feeling is mutual.”
“Do you think you will do well in your new job?” Farrah asked as she calmed down.
“Have I ever done less?” Jonathan asked. “I was third in my class and be both know it is because I do not care about becoming a well-rounded mage. I care about fighting and winning. I am now teaching a class based on fighting and winning, the class was made for me.”
“Prince Jeffrey has started taking a bigger interest in you,” Farrah whispered. “You know a lot of the people here were handpicked by someone important.”
“That is how I got the job,” Jonathan replied.
“I am talking about the mundanes and their instructor,” Farrah said.
“That has nothing to do with me,” Jonathan replied. “If they want a fight, I have never been hard to find. Multiple assassins have learned this, the Blood Priests have learned this, rogue mages have learned this and the Dragonknights themselves have learned this.”
“They are not trying to fight you,” Farrah said. “Russell and I have been pressured to and so has Monica I bet. There may be someone else out there but no one wants to go up against you and lose.”
“None of it matters, I will fight whoever, wherever, whenever,” Jonathan said. “People will regret the day they got on my bad side.”
“Just do not forget to have fun while you are here Jon,” Farrah said.
“My name is Jonathan,” Jonathan replied. “We do not have a playful or even friendly relationship. Let’s just keep it at that.”
“So because I rejected you, you want nothing to do with me?” Farrah asked.
“I am not going to get caught up in whatever game you are playing,” Jonathan replied. “Having you gone from here has refocused me. I will not let myself go down that road again. I wouldn’t even call us friends, we are people who are part of an exclusive group. I can be cordial to you and your brother, that is my limit. I do not need your advice or his. Making my own way has been what has worked for me.”
“Just like that,” Farrah said.
“Just like that,” Jonathan replied.
“Jonathan, I am in a bit of a situation,” Farrah said. “Nettleton likes being a mage but does not want anything to do with how things are done.”
“The Baron doesn’t even get the benefit of a first name or title,” Jonathan said.
“Like I was saying, Nettleton is a Baron but he is new to mage culture,” Farrah continued. “He is an extremely low leveled mage, barely on the level of some commoners. He has laid it plain to me, he wants me but does not want anything to do with being a part of everything. He also thinks that I do want to be a part of everything and that I have a secret lover.”
“So what do you want me to do about it?” Jonathan asked.
“It would go a long way if you were with someone,” Farrah said. “My mother handpicked Wendy and paid for her to be here. If she is not your type, there are plenty of other girls here. Just pick one of them or give the illusion that you will.”
“No,” Jonathan replied. “I have my goal and I do not care what you or your mother want. Your business with the Baron is your business. Now if you will excuse me, unlike you I actually have to work.”
Jonathan walked to see the first years take their tests, he was not surprised that none of the commoners could pass the reading test. Next was the ability to make a mage light, Jonathan was true in his assumption that all of the nobles could make a mage light. None were strong, even the red haired boy he now knew was named Charles Fitzwilliam wasn’t impressive at all, Jonathan thought Red had more power than he did. The multiple mage light class is where Jonathan was surprised at, Fitzwilliam was able to command four spells at a time which would have been impressive even while Jonathan was an initiate. The lone female in the class was able to get three going and of the remaining eight, six of them could cast two spells. Jonathan watched them finish and was excited about the next two tests, these are what let Jonathan know more than anything what he was working with.
The next two tests involved defense and offense, these tests silenced big mouth initiates and brought others back to earth. The first one would be for a mage to put up a shield while someone bashed it, this would let a mage know how they would do if someone attacked them. Jonathan hated the favoritism that he had seen from some of the people testing the shields and was happy the Tower Mage did as well. Some mages would only get light taps while other would get the full brunt. To end this, the Tower Mage had Red handle a large hammer. Red wouldn’t play favorites, he was there when Jonathan’s classmates had a false sense of power and were killed by Dragonknights. The final test involved wind magic, a mage would have to use wind magic to move a heavy iron block across a pedestal. Hardly anyone passed that test, Jonathan remembered the Tower Mage saying less than five percent of his students could even budge it. Only the Big Four from Jonathan’s class were able to move it off the pedestal and no one in the senior class now going through passed it as well.
Jonathan watched as Initiate Fitzwilliam went through. He originally tried to cast four shields but Mage Tabitha made him stick to only one. Red smashed through his shield easily on the first blow and nearly got Charles with the blow. Jonathan made a note of it but remembered Charles had a special spell that could nullify defense or offense. Jonathan’s father Joshua was thought to be a weakling but the man never lost
a match. Jonathan watched as the other ten went through the testing, the female initiate did better than Charles did and had her shield broken on the third swing. The rest of the initiates lasted until the second blow, Jonathan thought he could use that to his advantage. While many spells hit far softer than a maniac wielding a hammer, some hit harder. His students should try to dodge rather than soak up direct blows. They would be difficult for an archer to bring down but should avoid fighting in close quarters.
“This is so exciting,” Jonathan heard a voice say from behind him. Jonathan had been so wrapped up in the proceedings that he failed to notice that the mundanes had come out to watch the tests. Jonathan tried ignoring them but their chatter was hard to keep out of his mind. They were like a cheering section for every mage that came up. The mages themselves failed horribly at the tasks which eventually sent everyone away unhappy. Jonathan thought he might need something to write down how everyone did and then thought against it. It would be up to the first years themselves to determine where they fell in the new hierarchy.
“So what do you see?” Red asked.
“Stronger than most commoners but that is not a surprise,” Jonathan said. “Only one not stronger than you are can cast four spells at the same time. He will be trouble for anyone with that spell of his, at least amongst the first years. Cara in the second year class would figure him out and Blaine Gillespie would not be too far behind her. The female in this class shows promise, if I had to rank everyone in fighting, I would put the red head first and her second followed by the rest in some order. The female if she is not a complete bitch will probably end up at the top. Monica and I am sure some of the second year females will be teaching her whatever they know. That one mage with the short brown hair, Davin I think his name is. He took this entire thing seriously and if he is willing to work at it, he could end up number one as well.”
“Well I only talked to my group a little bit,” Red said. “Three farm boys that are scared out of their minds and one who used to run a gang of street rats. I know me and him will have it out, he didn’t seem interested in anything I had to say and he was found late. We are about the same age so he thinks he shouldn’t listen to anyone.”