The Charmcaster Read online

Page 9

  “That is why you are thought highly of despite being so young,” Apex said. “You know how to lead and what to watch out for.”

  “Rell,” Ashlyn said as Apex walked away. “These people listen to you.”

  “Not as much as they used to when I was Baron” Rell said. “If anything I am more of an advisor and their voice. The hierarchy is the council, followed by me.”

  “You have more here than my mother and I believed” Ashlyn said. “We visited before but viewed this place like it was a city instead of a military place. You have been expecting war for a long time. Is that why you have not let other businesses settle here?”

  “That is the exact reason” Rell said. “No taverns or anything else. People were angry but it is my land. We had to move once though, Davin was not amused.”

  “When he let a couple of others have a place here?” Ashlyn asked.

  “I petitioned for my money back after I moved the entire town,” Rell began. “Davin was a little upset since I refused to budge. He had dreams of doubling the taxes on anyone he let take land that was mine.”

  “It would have helped out the Barony,” Ashlyn said.

  “And what do you think I should do about it?” Rell asked. “I bought worthless land, had rocks broken up and taken away. I cleared the land which took well over three months with all day work and Davin gave it to someone and thought I should be happy with a small percentage of whatever sales the people made? I just moved the entire town a little bit over so any buildings that went up would be out there all alone. Davin tried to do so again and I petitioned for all of my money back. I paid triple what the land was worth. He finally just moved his interlopers away. That is why Kimberly and your brothers ridicule this place whenever they can.”

  “Where am I going to go if Balen comes here?” Ashlyn asked.

  “You will be welcomed into the mountain” Rell said. “You are a full mage Ashlyn, the Balenians have no mages. But just in case I want you to start practicing with one of my staves.”

  “You want me to wield that?” Ashlyn said almost disgusted. “I don't need a weapon like that.”

  “Ash you are letting other people cloud your judgment. I understand you not wanting to be seen carrying one of my staves, I do not take any offense to it. But this could be war and my staves can cast high level spells you are not used to casting. After the magic is done it can function like the staff you have with you. Trust me when I say the Balen army would prefer you stay prideful and ignorant instead of using one.”

  “I don't even know how they work” Ashlyn said.

  “I will give you a few to practice with” Rell said. “Then I will give you one like mine. You remember that I beat both of your brothers in a magic duel.”

  “Why do you call them that?” Ashlyn asked. “They are your brothers as well. Father wouldn't like you fighting with each other.”

  “Have I ever done anything to insult either one of them?” Rell asked.

  “You insulted Davin,” Ashlyn said.

  “When did I insult Davin unprovoked?” Rell asked.

  “Well it was after he tried to cheat,” Ashlyn said.

  “And how many times have they openly insulted or mocked me?” Rell asked.

  “Plenty of times,” Ashlyn said defeated. “But you haven't tried to help them out.”

  “I literally saved both of their lives,” Rell said. “In return both of them were happy to see my birthright stripped from me.”

  “People wouldn't follow a charmcaster,” Ashlyn said.

  “People are following me now,” Rell said. “You followed me out here.”

  “You are my brother and I don't want you to be alone” Ashlyn said.

  “And you knew you would be safe” Rell replied. “Now let’s get to practicing. It will not be long before we can expect company and I am going to need a force to expel undesirables.”

  “Undesirables?” Ashlyn asked.

  “People will come here and either not want to follow my rules or try to take over,” Rell said. “I am prepared to make harsh examples of all of them.”



  Davin had barely gotten out of his home in time. The Balenians went right through his men at the pass and had started to loot his towns. Balen would not be happy with anything but complete annihilation, Davin had sent messengers with money to see if they could be bought off. The messengers returned empty handed, at least their heads did. Davin had asked his brother for help, Svend didn't have anyone to fight and should have had his men marching towards the Cliffs. Davin hadn't heard back from his brother though, if he was being ignored he would be angry. If only the pass could have stayed held, it was all the fault of the stupid mountain tribes, no it was the charmcaster’s fault.

  Rell was the reason the mountain tribes wouldn't listen to him. He probably had turned them against him. They refused to help him guard the pass, Davin couldn't even pay them to do it. Rell was probably mad that Davin had gotten some of those fake staves on his own. He didn't need the charmcaster’s help. Because he had them the charmcaster was so angry that he defied Davin’s wishes concerning the businesses in the Barony. Davin had to admit he was surprised Rell had enough money to buy a large piece of land. Davin thought Rell had stolen money before he was kicked out at first but thought it didn't matter. He was paying big money for worthless land. When he made it into a rough town Davin was surprised. Others wanted to move their businesses there since the charmcaster’s town was lacking many staple businesses. The charmcaster wouldn't relent until Davin had to force him to admit the businesses. In retaliation he wanted all his money back and began moving the entire town. Rell was just jealous of him. Rell was jealous and wanted to make him look bad.

  “We are a few hours out Your Lordship,” his Captain of the Guard, Charles Clements, said. Davin was angry at his captain but didn't want the man to know it. The charmcaster had come and warned him about the attack and the idiot ran him off knowing Davin wanted to speak to Rell. Why did the charmcaster come warn him? It just all made no sense. Davin didn't even have enough time to muster men together to fight the Balenians, maybe if the charmcaster was there he could have made the people in the Barony fight.

  “Well let's hurry,” Davin said. “I need to meet up with my brother and come up with a plan while the Barony is being sacked. Perhaps we can push Balen out of my lands, I just need a lot more mages than the few I have.”

  “We will get there at least a day before the trailing army,” Charles said.

  Davin was restless as the trip continued. He was chased out of his home while the charmcaster had successfully defended it. What was worse was that he had an army right behind him and he couldn't afford to rest properly. When Davin could see his childhood home he was relieved. Svend would know what to do and would get him his Barony back. Svend would have a plan to do something to stop the Balen army. Davin practically jumped out of the carriage and ran inside of the house. Svend was in the front room along with his mother. T’Ericka and Teresa had been taken away as soon as the charmcaster reported the incoming army. Davin wished he would have started getting ready when he heard about Balen instead of thinking the people at the pass could protect him.

  “Davin what are you doing here?” Svend asked, surprised. “Or have you come to gloat about the charmcaster begging for a job?”

  “Svend didn't you get my letter?” Davin said trying to control his anger.

  “About Balen?” Svend asked. “Yes I got it but I am not going to rile everyone up over Balen. The Voxians are the real threat.”

  “Balen is through the pass and their army split” Davin said angrily. “One part of their army is only two days away from here!”

  “What do you mean two days away?” Kimberly said. “What about those fake staves the charmcasters made?”

  “They were worthless” Davin said. “Utterly worthless, I hear they killed some people but then ran out of magic.”

  “Well why didn't you get a
fighting force ready?” Svend asked angrily. “You are trying to doom me.”

  “Why don't you have one ready?” Davin retorted. “I asked you for help. I was thinking you were just too busy gathering men to write me back and that you would meet the enemy since the royal army is watching the Voxians.”

  “The Voxians have attacked again Davin,” Kimberly said. “They attacked almost a week ago. Svend needs his people here in case they fail.”

  “Tell that to Balen,” Davin said. “I need the mages Svend has over here to push Balen back.”

  “You aren't getting my mages,” Svend said, shocked Davin would even mention such an idea.

  “You are forgetting brother that Balen is on their way here whether you like it or not” Davin said. “Where is Ashlyn, we should at least get her to safety.”

  “She left with the charmcaster,” Kimberly said and lowered her head. “He came by to warn us of the threat.”

  “And you still did nothing Svend?” Davin said angrily.

  “How was I supposed to know that you were so incompetent?” Svend said just as angry. “You had those staves from the charmcasters that the king practically gave you. I thought you would hold the line.”

  “How stupid could I be,” Kimberly said sadly. “Your father was right, neither of you are ready to lead.”

  “What do you mean by that mother?” Svend said. “I am the Duke. I was born to lead. I am the youngest Duke in the kingdom. Do not look down on me because Davin is inept.”

  “You don't even have anyone ready to fight despite being warned by two different people,” Davin asked angrily.

  “Stop this fighting!” Kimberly said. “You both have not been taking your duty seriously. You both were warned and you both ignored the warning. I ignored the warning as well. I know the King has been getting people ready to fight if anything like this ever happened. Send a missive to him asking for immediate help, do that right now and send it three different ways. Send it by bird, by messenger and I will personally take the last message.”

  “Who is going to be here with me?” Svend said. “I should deliver the message and you should run the duchy. You were duchess for a long time before you abdicated to me.”

  “I need the most help” Davin said. “I could take it.”

  “Listen to you both!” Crystal said angrily. “Your father’s charmcaster came here and said neither of you were ready for the responsibility. Your father often lamented that neither of you took anything seriously, like his charmcaster did.”

  “Father didn't give us the training Rell had,” Davin retorted.

  “He tried,” Kimberly said. “And I didn't listen. I thought your time was better spent trying to integrate yourselves with the other highborns. Neither of you listened either. You would rather play instead of doing any hard work. We all thought the Glades and the Cliffs would take care of themselves without realizing what he was going through. He was right to put his charmcaster out in the Cliffs.”

  “You sound like you want him to be Baron,” Davin snapped. “You don't believe in me just like father didn't!”

  “Your father was hardest on you because he never thought you would be the Baron and wanted you to be a great man in your own right,” Kimberly said. “And of course I want you to be Baron over some charmcaster. You should have hired him Davin. You should have tried as well Svend.”

  “He was given a job and didn't want it,” Davin said as he started getting angry again. “I offered to give him a job and you offered to give him a job and a house.”

  “No we didn't,” Kimberly replied. “We were happy he was getting kicked out of the Cliffs and offered him something to shut him up in case anyone got angry. Davin you wanted him to run everything while you sat back and reaped all of the rewards. Svend you wanted him to lead your men just so you wouldn't have to. The charmcaster said he didn't have much but still had his pride. Both of you were there when he refused to work for the king. He refused all three of you because he was angry and feeling embarrassed like Ashlyn said. We should have tried harder or acted ignorant of the charmcaster losing his title.”

  “You said my sister was with him,” Davin said. “With him where?”

  “I don't know” Kimberly said. “In his little town I think.”

  “And you let my seventeen-year-old sister just leave?” Davin said.

  “A part of me knew she would be safe,” Kimberly said. “Now enough of this. The king would look at you both with disgust if you ran to him instead of doing your jobs. You are both men so act like it. Your father would have been springing into action. You were stupid for alienating Jennings Svend. We could have used him.”

  “I don't even know how to raise an army,” Svend said.

  “Take your guards and start pressing men into service and tell the women and children to flee towards the capital” Kimberly said. “Get different groups of your guards to scour your lands for men and return to you. Make sure most of them are back here in a day or so. Try to get most of the mages you can, you have to start doing this right now.”

  “What about me?” Davin asked.

  “You are going to help your brother and prepare to fight” Kimberly said.

  “Me?” Davin said shocked.

  “You are a full mage Davin, so are you Svend,” Kimberly said. “It is time for both of you to show this kingdom what you are capable of. No matter how this turns out, we need to prepare ourselves better.”


  Rell had heard enough. One of the people he took in had defied him and acted like he had power. The Balenians had seen Rell’s small town and tried to sack it despite Balen’s promise saying that they would not. Rell had proved tougher than they thought and he had killed the first wave of surprised attackers. The Balen army was used to running through a city with little or no opposition and suddenly found themselves stopped cold. They had followed everyone trying to flee them right to Rell and Rellik’s Rest. Rell had let everyone inside and had simple rules. Do not abuse anyone under his care, it did not matter what their relationship was before they came inside. Once inside they would follow his rules and only his rules. Rell should have guessed Steele would be a problem. He already had a few run ins with the man.

  Steele ran a collection of brothels and taverns and was making good money, good enough that he did not mind paying Davin what he wanted in taxes. Steele looked primarily for young, poor women. He taught them to make liquor and would rent out their bodies if they were not doing any physical work. Steele was one of the people who petitioned Davin so he could move into Rellik’s Rest. Rell left him on the outside looking in and refused to sell, trade or give the man any items. Steele eventually got his money back from Davin but he was still angry. Steele had traveled to Rellik’s Rest with seven of his working girls. Rell had told him he could not continue his business while within his gate. Some of the girls had heard that and refused to work for Steele anymore. After all, Steele was not the one giving them food or shelter. Rell was feeding them, clothing them and arming them to fight. None of the girls needed Steele, at least while the war was going on. Steele started trying to sell them anyway, instead of coin he was looking for food, clothes and one of the magic staves. One of the women eventually relented after being slapped around a few times. After she gave use of her body she then went back and told all she knew. Others collaborated the story and now Rell had to act.

  “Get your stuff and get out” Rell said as he pointed one of his staves at Steele.

  “What do you mean get out?” Steele asked. “The Balen army is out there, I am not going anywhere.”

  “You are going to leave or I am going to put you out” Rell said. “You are going to leave my home. How you leave is up to you.”

  “You wouldn't dare,” Steele said. “I haven't done anything wrong and I know the Baron. You aren't shit anymore. If you kick me out he will hear about this and sort you out.”

  “You broke my rules and beat a girl while you were here,” Rell said. “I told yo
u your business was not welcomed here and you defied me.”

  “You can't tell me how to run my business,” Steele said. “Now get away from me, I will leave when the Balenians are not at your gate.”

  “Can I?” Apex asked.

  “Go ahead,” Rell replied.

  Rell had not even gotten all of his words out when Apex struck Steele hard across the head with a cudgel. Steele was not expecting the blow and fell out of the chair he was sitting in. A man next to Steele stood up and tried to stab Apex, Rell blasted him in the air a few meters and smiled when he landed hard. Rell watched both of the men get hauled to their feet and thrown out of Rellik’s Rest. Rell still had to find the customer the girl serviced. He also would be tossed out for being a part of it all.

  “Rellik” Apex said as he returned from tossing the men out. “Tomorrow you are supposed to travel to Summit. The Great Council wants to speak with you. I was coming to find you because a messenger came down. Can you hurry back after you deal with whatever they want, I feel better having you around.”

  The travel to Summit took Rell two days. The mountain was big and the way there was made to be difficult. When Rell finally reached Summit he was happy to see life there was going on as usual, war was far from everyone’s mind and he could see people walking and smiling. Just a few years ago the tribes would have never mixed like this. They conducted raids on each other to find wives, food and other materials. Now they were the best of friends. It felt cold and his breath came heavy since the air was so thin. When Rell finally got inside of the meeting area, he was surprised to see everyone was already there waiting on him.

  “It has come to my attention that the Balenians are not keeping their pact with us,” Rainier said as Rell stood in the middle of the room. “Is it true Rellik’s Rest has been attacked multiple times by one of their armies?”