The Charmcaster Page 7
“Have both of you been listening to your advisors?” King Wayne asked.
“All mine tell me is bad news Your Majesty,” Svend said. “Most of the leadership of the troops from the Glades were killed along with most of my experienced fighters. The group that ran off the Voxians were a bunch men around my age, my advisor seems to think I should have most of them right up against the new Earl Victory’s lands.”
“Well I think I will be okay,” Davin said. “Most of the charmcasters live in the Barony and I know there are a lot of staves for my fighters to use. The mountain men did most of the work against Balen and I will just keep giving them and the charmcasters the same deal Rell did.”
“After what I heard about the weapon I have been thinking of elevating the charmcasters” King Wayne said. “Before the battle I viewed them lower than mundanes, now I have a respect for them as crafters. Maybe I will start calling them Charmsmiths. I am going to push for them to be treated as crafters the same way a smith is revered. I think that should pacify them enough that their jealousy doesn't start something up. I know there will be backlash from your brother’s dismissal, it is better to get in front of it.”
“By calling them smiths?” Kimberly asked.
“By hiring all of them,” King Wayne said. “I will let the entire kingdom know the charmcasters are great smiths and I will hire all of them to make more of the staves that were so effective. I think a hundred gold bonus for working for me would get many people interested. I can have them sign an oath for five or so years and pay them weekly depending on power level. The best way I can think to do this is pay different amounts of money for staves with different spells. The tougher the spell the more money I will pay. This should calm them all down and stop any retaliation that was going to occur. One hundred gold is a lot of money. They can get some recognition and real mages will stay in our rightful place on top. I may have to pay double or even triple to their leader Tenkay. But once he comes around a lot more of them will as well.”
“What are you doing here?” Kimberly asked Rell suspiciously.
“It is my little brother’s big day” Rell replied. “It would be poor taste for me to avoid this day when he came to see me during my investiture.”
“How have you been?” Ashlyn asked.
“I have been better but I have definitely been worse,” Rell said with a small smile. “I take solace in the fact that the only person I have to worry about is myself. I know I have held myself to the standard our father set for me and I passed my trial of blood as best as can be expected. I saved father’s family. It is an accomplishment I can hang my hat on as I enjoy whatever life throws at me next.”
“People have been trying to contact you” Kimberly said. “No one knows how to get in touch with you.”
“Anyone who knows me knows how to contact me,” Rell replied. “I am not that hard to find.”
“Davin has been looking for you and so has Svend,” Kimberly said. “Neither of our enemies have settled down and the new Earl Victory is just as inept as his father.”
“That doesn’t have anything to do with me Kimberly,” Rell said. “I am just a charmcaster. I am going to leave fighting off of enemies to people with the job.”
“You are not going to help them?” Kimberly asked.
“Help them do what?” Rell asked. “I was kicked out of the job for not knowing my place. Or maybe it was because I just wasn’t fit to be Baron. It doesn’t matter, I was relieved. It was unprecedented but His Majesty felt very strongly that was the right move and so did you. You have told me many times that I should have never become Baron and I was messing things up. Davin and Svend can stand on their own.”
“You are a charmcaster,” Kimberly said. “Charmcasters do not lead.”
“And I am not trying to lead now,” Rell said with a smile. “I am going to leave that to the full mages. I will be here for moral support but that will be the most I do. Svend and Davin both have you to lean back on. You were the Duchess until my father died and Svend was given his title.”
“Charmcaster,” Rell heard Davin say from behind him. Rell turned around and saw Davin dressed in finery walking with Princess T’Ericka. Rell had never thought the girl was pretty but thought whoever had worked on her appearance for the celebration did an excellent job.
“Your Lordship,” Rell said with a nod and a smile. “You are looking good, the title fits you well.”
“Of course the title fits me,” Davin said. “It was mine to begin with. Where have you been?”
“Little brother, I am not some idiot for you to order about,” Rell said as he became serious. “I came to see you on your day, not to be treated like filth. You have yourself a great day.”
“Rell, stop,” Davin said. “I have been looking for you.”
“Well here I am,” Rell snapped.
“Your mountain men are being difficult” Davin said.
“Not my problem,” Rell replied.
“What do you mean it is not your problem?” Davin asked. “If Balen marches through the pass it is your problem.”
“No it isn’t,” Rell replied. “That is the problem of landed nobles. I am a charmcaster, I am not going to stick my nose into any of that.”
“You left me a bunch of worthless staves,” Davin said. “I need you to fill them up.”
“No” Rell said simply. “I don’t work for you little brother.”
“Svend needs some as well,” Kimberly said.
“Well then I suggest finding a charmcaster to fill that order,” Rell replied. “I am done with staff making, it doesn’t matter who it is for. Can we change the subject, this one is leaving a sour taste in my mouth.”
“No we can’t change the subject” Davin snapped. “The Barony was practically penniless and you told the people who paid for the war effort that they no longer had to pay taxes. I rescinded that foolish order immediately.”
“None of that means anything to me now,” Rell replied.
“You had the mountain men guard the pass now they refuse to,” Davin said. “I offered to keep the same deal you had with them and they declined.”
“I don’t see what any of that has to do with me,” Rell said. “I am not in charge of the mountain men and I doubt you could keep the same deal I had with them.”
“Well what were you giving them?” Davin asked.
“Me,” Rell replied. “I have mountain blood, they are quicker to follow one of their own than an outsider. And I gave them hope. The staves were the first time they were able to utterly destroy an invading enemy. I let them keep the staves as thanks for serving me practically for free. No one from the mountain tribes is going to work for no food and no money. You have to raise your own force now. I wish you well in the endeavor. Before I took over, father had many of his guards stationed at the pass and watching it for activity.”
“Svend needs all of his men” Kimberly said. “The Voxians are a tougher foe than the Balenians ever were.”
“Well then you need another way” Rell said. “Perhaps the lovely lady on your arm could speak to her father for you Your Lordship. As for me I do not want anything to do with fighting, the Voxians or the Balenians.”
“I will talk to father,” T’Ericka said looking at Rell. “I don’t think we have ever met before.”
“T’Ericka this is my brother Rell,” Ashlyn said. “He is a great leader and fought off the Balenians and the Voxians.”
“Hello Rell,” T’Ericka said as she looked up at him.
“Hello Your Highness,” Rell replied.
“Rell,” Svend said coming up from behind T’Ericka. “Most of my father’s men died during the Voxian attack. You can be one of my new commanders.”
“Thank you but no thank you Your Grace,” Rell said. “I don’t want anything to do with leading anyone anywhere. You both have no idea how difficult it was being in charge of everything when the enemy is at the gates and you have multiple people wishing for y
ou to fail or be replaced. I don’t want any part of it. The only thing I am worried about is growing my fortune since I was left coinless.”
“You don’t even know what the job pays,” Svend said.
“Not enough,” Rell said. “I still have pride and I was thoroughly and utterly embarrassed. I am going to make my own money and find my own way now. At least none of you here will have to worry about being too closely associated with a charmcaster” Rell finished with a laugh.
“Well then sell me some staves” Svend replied. “Most of the charmcasters work for the king and their weapons are horrible compared to yours. The staves themselves cost too much money to outfit my fighting force if I had one and they don't have any real good spells in them.”
“Not in the stave business” Rell replied. “Way too much work. I don't care what the pay is.”
“You are enjoying this,” Davin said. “I can see it in your eyes.”
“You wanted the job Davin,” Rell said. “Now you have it. To me it seems like you want all the money and other things while I do all the work. The job is unbearably difficult. I used to work long hard days and well into the night. I don’t have to do any of that anymore. I had a duty to the people. Now the duty belongs to the both of you. Do enjoy your time and congratulations on your accomplishments.”
“Where are you going Rell?” Ashlyn asked.
“Back home” Rell said. “I live in the mountains now. I am accepted there. People even like me for being a charmcaster. I have a place amongst the mountain tribes and I think I will end up staying there and find me a wife.”
“You could find a wife here,” Kimberly said. “They money you could get making staves could set you up. You can go into business with Davin and Svend.”
“I don't sell staves Kimberly,” Rell replied. “And no mage needs anything from a charmcaster.”
Rell walked the streets of Summit, it was the name given to the small hidden town in the mountains and was the one area all the tribes had equal representation. Rell was in charge of a lot. He oversaw stave making and made sure the charmcasters who remained had everything they needed. Rell was sure the three male charmcasters from the kingdom would never leave. Each of them had at least four wives from different tribes and four different homes to house them all in Summit. The female charmcasters who stayed were with male mountain men charmcasters and they never wanted for anything. Rell was surprised Tenkay did not stay, the king must have paid him a lot to get him to work for him. Rell was still single and did not have any time to socialize. Other than stave making, he had his hands in making armor and more practical weapons. The smiths from the mountain tribes were becoming decent but they were not on the level of masters yet. The final thing Rell was involved with was defense of the mountain. Secret paths were cut that let the twenty mountain tribes meet up with each other if help was needed for mutual defense. There was a council made up of elders who spoke for the six biggest tribes in the mountains. If there was ever a tie Rell was brought in to be the seventh vote. Rell was presently on his way to the Council of Elders. He had no idea what they were voting on or why they would be deadlocked.
“Rellik,” Foraker said, as he gestured to chair in the center of the room.
“I rather stand,” Rell said. “What is this about?”
“Rellik, there is going to be an invasion,” Denali said as he stood up and stroked his beard. “The Balenians had made us an offer and it is one we cannot refuse. If we agree not to attack them then they will give us our autonomy back. The tribes will belong to the tribes and not the kingdom you come from. The Balenians even agreed to give us land surrounding the mountains except for the pass, it will be more land than we have had in more than a century. We will not attack them but we will be ready for any trickery, we have enough staves and enough position to make taking the mountain a very costly fight for anyone. We called you here to find out where you stand on the matter.”
“I have to warn the kingdom,” Rell said.
“We know that Rellik” Foraker said. “We want to know whose side are you going to be on? In the mountains you are highly respected. In your homeland you are shunned. In the mountains you are a part of the Council of Elders despite being so young and could have almost any female you wanted. In your homeland I am sure they only care about your gift. You could not even try for many of their females based on your status.”
“I don't know,” Rell said. “But I would never lead any force against you. How long until the attack?”
“One week” Denali replied. “This should be enough time for you to handle your business. The kingdom will not be happy with us, Balen will march and they will blow by the kingdom’s defense. The staves they have had made and sent down here are not on the level of the ones you make. The fire and shield are weak compared to what we have here. Only the ones from Charmcaster Tenkay are worth anything and I doubt there are many of his staves down there. From his time with us it took him longer to make the same quality of staves you did and he did not use glass, but the purple gem.”
“Amethyst,” Rell said. “The kingdom has a lot of it and I bought as much as I could. He can make enough of them but I know he tops off at two lightning charms per day. If he were trying for fire on my level, then I know he could make ten of them easily. It just depends on what kind of stave he is trying to make. I know he could make a stave with two lightning charms and one fire charm once per day. If Davin was smart then he would have bought all Tenkay could make. I think for the work alone he could at least charge two or three gold for his services, he is one of only a few that could do that sort of thing.”
“Rellik no matter how this turns out, we are breaking from the kingdom” Everest said. “Mages may be sent against us, strong mages with eyes filled with rage if Balen fails.”
“I will not join them,” Rell said. “And I am amazed no one has come up here to take us by force. You have not been playing as nice with everyone like you did with me.”
“You wanted to strengthen the mountain,” Everest began. “You gave us our teeth back and we bit and bit hard. Your brother is happy believing we don't really exist, just as long as we pay our coin. Well we pay in trade since you can't eat coin, I think if he knew how much of the things he values that we really have then our relationship would be different.”
“I have to go,” Rell said. “In my room you can find five staves, all of them were made to combat mages. Spells of silence and one of lightning is in every stave. They are difficult to make and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.”
Rell dressed into what he referred to as his kingdom clothes and left the mountain as fast as he could. It took him a day to travel to his former estate and along the way he saw many a sight that made his heart sink. In an entire year Rell had not traveled this way. He normally went only into the town of Rellik's Rest, a sizable piece of land purchased by the mountain men in Rell's name. Rell had oversight of it so immediately he had started making the land into a small town. The purpose of it was to enable trade with what they called the outside world. Rellik's Rest had caused immediate trouble. Merchants wanted a piece of the new town and found out they were locked outside of it because it was private property. They could come and buy, just not open up their own businesses. Rell had heard official complaints were made but it didn't matter. Rell had spent most of his time in Summit and ran Rellik's Rest from there. The last time Rell had ventured into other places in the Barony was when he left his brother's investiture as Baron.
Rell could see the places he passed by were far worse off than when he left. Obvious criminals were walking the main streets looking for victims and there were four brothels in a place that previously had none. Some people recognized him. They had worked for him once but must have found themselves unemployed when Davin took over. Rell thought every place he visited had a big number of brothels and a great number of visitors. Davin must have been making his money off of the brothels
and the inns that sprang up. Rell finally rode to his former estate, outside of it he was met by four guards. One was holding an expensive stave that looked to be covered in diamonds. Rell could count ten stones but there could have been more. Rell climbed off his horse and addressed the man with the staff who he figured was in charge.
“I am here to speak with Baron Cliffs” Rell said. “My name is…”
“I know who you are” the man with the staff said. “The Baron has sent me out to find you several times but you are never in residence.”
“Well then tell him I need to speak with him and it is urgent,” Rell said.
“And why should I let you get close to the Baron?” the man asked. “I am Captain of his Guard and you have all but allied yourself with the mountain men and have refused to help out the Barony by allowing profitable business in your land.”
“I don't have the time to have a battle of wills with you,” Rell said. “Tell my brother an attack is coming in less than a week and do not depend on the mountain tribes being much help. Balen is marching and they have been seeking allies. I think if they tried to cut a deal with one of the mountain tribes then they might have gotten the Voxians involved as well.”
“Why should I believe you” the man said as Rell started turning his horse around. “Hey I am talking to you.”
“I have given my message” Rell said as he began moving. “If you do not deliver it, then the attack is on you. I have another brother to warn and I do not have time for your games.”
“I could blast you right here” the man said as he shook his diamond covered staff menacingly.
“Then you would blow a high level spell for nothing and will be fighting the Balenians in a week or so with no way to replenish it,” Rell said as he spurred his horse on.
Rell rode decently hard as he headed to the duchy. He had on his charmed armor and kept his charmed shield with him. Getting to the Duchy was easy. He had not been challenged by anyone and that worried him, the people seemed too carefree. They should have been suiting up for war if the Voxians were involved. Instead they were walking around like nothing big was happening, Rell hoped he was just paranoid as he brought his horse up to his late father’s home. Rell was surprised to see Svend was in front of it along with his mother, his sister Ashlyn, Princess Teresa and a couple of people Rell had never seen.