The Charmcaster Page 8
“Rell!” Ashlyn said with a smiled as she waved Rell and his horse over. “You look worried.”
“I am worried,” Rell said as he climbed off his horse. “Balen has made deals with the mountain tribes, an attack is coming and I do not think Davin is up for the task. I came to warn you and tell you it might be a good time to flee deeper into the kingdom.”
“War is here?” Svend said as he waved Rell off. “Luckily His Majesty has sent some of the royal army over to Victory’s Earldom so I have no need of you. No one here needs you anymore. I already have hired men that could lead these commoners into some kind of force if need be. You had your chest all puffed out the last time we saw each other charmcaster. The duchy doesn't need you to survive.”
“And how does that help His Lordship, Your Grace?” Rell asked. “The royal army is not in the duchy according to your own words. How are the people of the Cliffs supposed to protect themselves? What is to stop the Balenians from marching through the pass and tearing apart the Cliffs?”
“You heard him charmcaster,” Kimberly said with a cruel smile. “We don't need you anymore. We have bought staves from the charmcasters loyal to the kingdom and have good men holding them. They would not flee at the sight of the enemy so we will be fine.”
“Permission to speak freely Your Grace,” Rell said looking at Svend.
“Yes what is it?” Svend said annoyed.
“You are still the same spoiled little shit you were a year ago,” Rell said. “Davin has been more concerned with raising taxes and earning money for himself than defense. The men at the pass are probably somewhat competent but there is no way they have enough people to hold the pass. What happens when the enemy happens to break through? The Cliffs would be in trouble and you have no back up plan to stop them. How many mages are with the royal army right now? I know the Voxians have some and it would not be too hard to throw them into the fight. A leader plans for things to go wrong and has a backup plan for the backup plan. You are here acting like nothing could possibly go wrong.”
“Maybe he is just looking for a job,” Kimberly said. “We told you to pick out a home Charmcaster and move into it when you were relieved from being a Baron. Instead you have had people try to rally around you and make difficult for Svend and Davin. You could have had a job doing charmcaster things or maybe leading Davin’s or Svend’s personal guard force but you were too proud. You won't find any work here for you anymore.”
“What are you talking about?” Rell said shaking his head. “I own and operate a town, I don't need any money or a place to stay.”
“Is he talking about that dreary little place against the mountain filled by the mountain people?” Princess Teresa laughed.
“That hovel is not something to be proud of,” Svend laughed.
“Sister,” Rell said looking at Ashlyn, “I want you to come with me. If everything is how your family claims then you will have nothing to worry about. You can be a guest for a few weeks or a month until the fighting stops. I would hate to think what would happen if I were right. I do not think your brother will be able to stop the Balenians and if I were them I would send an army straight here.”
“She will do no such thing!” Kimberly snapped. “You haven't seen or talked to her in over a year!”
“He has sent correspondence,” Ashlyn said shyly. “And gifts during our holidays.”
“Why didn't you say anything?” Kimberly snapped.
“Because I know how you all would have reacted,” Ashlyn replied. “Rell give me a moment to get a carriage ready.”
“There is no time,” Rell replied. “If we leave now we would be back at your brother’s estate just as the attacks are supposed to happen. From there it will take us another day to reach safety.”
“Ashlyn do not tell me you are going along with this,” Princess Teresa said. Rell could tell in her eyes that the girl started getting worried despite everyone else’s bravado.
“No she isn't,” Kimberly said. “The charmcaster is just angry. First it was my brothers this, my brothers that. Now he calls Svend and Davin, Ashlyn’s family.”
“Well at least maybe people will stop associating him with our family,” Svend said. “All I have heard is how great a leader he is from the commoners. They have come here to give him gifts of thanks as if I would let him stay here.”
“Rell saved my life once,” Ashlyn said. “I know he has my best interest at heart. If he was after money, then why come all the way out here instead of going to Davin?”
“Davin must have turned him away,” Svend said. “So he came begging here.”
“Why would he offer to protect me instead of asking for money?” Ashlyn said.
“It is nothing but a ploy,” Kimberly said laughing off Rell.
“Do you have room for my mother and my friends?” Ashlyn asked Rell.
“Yes if they leave with you right now,” Rell said.
“Do you mean us?” a red haired girl said as she gestured around at the other people Rell hadn't met. “Your charmcaster looks dashing despite being covered in filth from the road but we are happy where we are at. Is this the one you and your family wanted me to meet?”
“It was madness Anne,” Svend said. “He had just proven himself a little in some battle and people began thinking too highly of him.”
“Ashlyn we need to ride now,” Rell said.
“Incompetent fools!” King Wayne raged as he looked around the table at his advisors.
“It can't be that bad,” Queen Crystal said.
“What reason is there to lie?” Wayne asked. “That idiot Baron Cliffs was too stupid to get a fighting force together to hold off Balen and instead relied on those damn magical staves.”
“The staves had fought off Balen before Your Majesty” General Bill Angus said. “You have said they were worth the money and changed warfare the way we know it. Maybe Balen has some defense against it.”
“Don't give me that Angus,” Wayne snapped. “Most of the staves we have are good for dealing with ruffians, not an army.”
“Those that are powerful are at the pass though Your Majesty” Bill said. “Your Royal Charmcaster made them himself.”
“Sammut, report on the men guarding the pass,” Wayne said looking at an older man who served as the kingdom’s information gatherer.
“Do not bring Stephen into this, this is a matter for the army” Crystal said.
“You just want to see the good in Victory, Glades and Cliffs” Wayne said. “Because you plan on our daughters and niece marrying that lot. I see three incompetent nobles that I am going to have to pull out of danger. Now report Sammut.”
“The Balenians did pay a price for trying to march through the pass” Stephen said. “But the staves that were effective soon ran out and there were not enough men to hold back their forces. I received this by bird two hours ago and it was dated two days ago. Reports are still coming in and I should have a full report from people who saw what had happened first hand, it is just taking them a while to get here. The Voxians have been held to a standstill, the fighting is rough on both sides but we need more mages to even things out. As is we are losing men at the same rate as the enemy, I believe the Voxians know they only have to keep our army engaged while the Balenians do all of the work.”
“Is there any truth to the mountain tribes rebelling?” The Archmage asked.
“What are you talking about Samm?” the king asked. “Why haven't I heard anything about this Sammut?”
“I have only heard rumors, nothing is confirmed” Stephen said. “Perhaps Jeremy should keep things to himself if he is not sure of authenticity.”
“You will use my title, information peddler” the Archmage said looking at Stephen. “I have heard reports that the mountain tribes have tried to start their own town in the Cliffs, perhaps that is the first sign of their aggression.”
“Your Majesty we both know Jeremy Samm is just angry that
the former charmcasting Baron was given credit for fighting the enemy while his mages ran,” Stephen said.
“John’s damn charmcaster” Wayne said shaking his head. “He wouldn't have let this happen. He would have held the pass and took everything seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind the mountain people and their actions. He left coinless and now he has a small town or something.”
“Wayne, our daughters,” Crystal said as the situation hit her.
“Charde is with them,” Wayne said. “Matthew would have them in a carriage coming back here at the first sign of danger.”
“Angus,” Wayne said. “I want commoners pressed into action and ready to go. I want all of them heading towards the Cliffs. Get the nobles involved in leading their men, I want an official summons going out to all of my landed nobles. Balen wants the Cliffs back and probably wouldn't stop at that. The Voxians want Victory’s lands and probably have some sort of arrangement to split the Glades. Do this and do it now.”
“We need someone in that area to step up and fill the void John left,” Crystal said. “The man was paranoid about war to the point of fanaticism. He was the reason the Voxians stayed holed up until they were desperate enough to strike a deal with Balen.”
“Your Majesty,” Bill said hesitantly.
“Out with it Angus,” Wayne barked.
“You had that man already,” Bill said.
“John’s charmcaster was competent,” Wayne said. “But he was a charmcaster Angus. The nobles that matter in the kingdom would be enraged at a charmcaster gaining so much power. You saw what the repercussions were for him winning a few battles. Commoners were lavishing him with praise instead of our mages who do all the real work in the kingdom.”
“As you say Your Majesty,” Bill said.
“Say what is on your mind!” Wayne snapped.
“What he is trying to say is that no nobles or mages like to live out that far Your Majesty,” Stephen said. “No competent ones anyway. Baron Cliffs is the poorest Baron in the kingdom. His lands are sizable but useless as the mountain makes up most of it. The Martins live out in the Cliffs along with Baron Cliffs. If you were a commoner would you see them as competent or clueless? Would you believe they are willing to sacrifice what they are asking you to sacrifice? Rell Duncan was in the teeth of every battle fought, I doubt the people currently on ground were or ever will be.”
“The charmcaster was brought up learning to lead,” Wayne said.
“They should have hired him on as an advisor then,” Crystal said.
“John’s charmcaster was too proud for any of that,” Wayne said. “He threw Kimberly’s offer in her face and sulked out of here like a whipped puppy. Positions were offered, I even offered to hire him like I did the rest of the half-mages.”
“Well if not him, then who?” Crystal asked. “We need to put people in all of their houses. John’s old advisor Jennings would be perfect; I don't know why the man ever quit.”
“Because Svend wasn't taking him seriously,” Wayne said. “I have no idea where the man is at now.”
“Rell, have you heard anything?” Ashlyn asked. Rell admired his younger sister, with the skins and furs she had on she almost looked like she belonged with the mountain tribes.
“Balen broke through the pass in less than a day” Rell said. “They are camped out on our side and are gathering their armies before they push on.”
“Rell you have to do something” Ashlyn pleaded.
“What can I do?” Rell asked. “I am not in charge of anything. I cannot pay the people to fight for me. The laws are what they are. I could hang for challenging Davin’s authority in a time of war by raising my own force.”
“You did it to Svend” Ashlyn said.
“I was a Baron then” Rell said. “Besides, the mountain tribes have made their position clear. I am accepted here but they do not plan on fighting the Balenians.”
“Then why does everyone look ready for a war?” Ashlyn asked.
“Because they are ready for one,” Rell said. “They are going to protect the mountain and this town at all costs. I have made sure our walls are fortified and everyone is armed. This bit of land is mine and I have a right to protect it.”
“The Barony is more important,” Ashlyn said worried.
“Davin has not sent out any word that he wants men pressed into action” Rell said. “Even if he did, where would we meet up at? Who would we fall under? Where would we get weapons at? How does he plan on feeding us? How would we get to the meeting place? Those are just a few questions I am sure Davin did not work out. He has only been interested in growing his coffers, he should have seen to his protection first. Svend could afford a little leeway since he is not bordered by an enemy.”
“Davin is my brother,” Ashlyn said.
“Rellik,” Apex said as he came running up. Apex was the man Rell had reporting to him on everything that was happening in Rellik’s Rest and was the chief of his staff. Rell had five positions in Rellik’s Rest that he staffed with competent people. Someone oversaw the people, the laws, property and things like that. Someone oversaw the enemy, their job was intelligence and to find out all pertinent information. Someone administered over Rellik’s plans in case an invasion happened. Someone was in charge of all the equipment and food like staves, swords and armor. The last position was for law and order of the town. Apex regularly had meetings with all of them if Rell was not able to and would report what the group came up with. Each of his staff had their own people, so Rell was only presented with nearly finished products. The mountain tribes thought this way of doing things was too slow but for Rell it was perfect since it let everyone know what he was thinking.
“What do you have for me?” Rell asked.
“Everything is going according to plan,” Apex said. “We want to know if it is time to take the non-combatants away from here. If we are overrun it will take them some time to get up the mountain.”
“Start that now” Rell said. “It is also time for us to move most of our valuables. Everything not needed for the war effort should be taken away. Food, clothing and weapons should stay. I do not know when the people of the Cliffs are going to come seek refuge but they will come.”
“We should turn them away,” Apex replied. “Many people think like I do and it was discussed at the meeting.”
“Then who would we trade with?” Rell asked. “What happens when we need something? The old way of thinking the mountain can take care of itself is what got the tribes in this mess. No one was united and everyone was wary of others. That time has passed.”
“We held the pass,” Apex said.
“Who made the staves you used?” Rell asked. “I filled a lot of them up with magic but where were they made at? Who brought them to the mountain for you to use? Who brought back the empty ones to me so I can fix them? What happens if I died today, what is the plan?”
“I don't know,” Apex admitted.
“Rell you sound like you are talking treason,” Ashlyn said.
“I am protecting my things Ash,” Rell said. “The mountain tribes refuse to fight Balen, they see our kingdom as conquerors anyway. They could care less if Balen came in and took over, they would still pay taxes and most likely be left alone.”
“But their Baron would fall,” Ashlyn said.
“It doesn't matter to them,” Rell said. “They fought for a man of the mountains, Davin is not a man of the mountain. I am not going to risk my life for a job I was deemed unfit for.”
“Rell you were bankrupting the Barony,” Ashlyn said. “The Cliffs were broke when you left it.”
“Money was easy to come by,” Rell said. “Our staves would have been bought and we are the only people who could make and refill them. I could have had other magic items made that would have sold as well. The war wouldn't have lasted forever, I would have reached a point where no more weapons or other things had to be made and the profits would have started trickling in.
I would not have the wealth I am guessing Davin accumulated but I also wouldn't have the hunger, unemployment and my force would be ready for war.”
“Maybe,” Ashlyn admitted. “So how long are you going to keep me here?”
“You are free to go,” Rell said.
“I don't mean it that way,” Ashlyn said. “How long will it be before I can safely leave?”
“Unknown,” Rell said then looked at Apex.
“Balen has split into three forces,” Apex began. “Two of their armies are making a path for the Baron. One will most likely stay to establish a base while the other goes to meet with the Voxians and make the outsiders fight on two fronts. The last one is headed this way, they are going to rape and pillage their way through the outsider towns.”
“That's horrible!” Ashlyn practically screamed.
“Which is why I am prepared to receive others,” Rell said. “Balen will leave us alone or learn a horrible lesson. This dog has teeth.”
“I will get started on everything right away,” Apex said. “Extra staves have already been brought forward for you. You do not trust Balen to keep its word with the council?”
“Of course not,” Rell replied. “I think the council have let hatred blind them and are desperate to get out from under the kingdom. The Balenians would not honor their word once they have learned of everything we have. Trust no one Apex. Before long there will be those in the mountain trying to bring you down, jealous of the success of others.”
“They wouldn't dare,” Apex said.
“Before I came along, were you united?” Rell asked. “I know what I represented. I also know that a lot of tribes did not trust me but went along with the plans anyway. Would those tribes who feel they are being pushed out still remain true? Or would they give way to the new outsiders just to bring the stronger tribes down to their level?”